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Family Feuds Are Your InLaws Causing A Problem

In the world today hostility is present everywhere. The one place that it can easily be deterred is in the family. In a family, everyone is has different ideas and views on different topics. Even though you are related, it does not mean that you think alike or share the same opinions. In a family that has strong wills, this can often lead to a family feud. Co-Existing with In-Laws Throughout the decades, in-law jokes have been made millions of times.

But when you stop and think about, they had to have come from somewhere. Often in-laws feel that their children could have had a better life and that the son or daughter-in-law is not worthy. The in-laws will express their opinion openly no matter whom it hurts. This can lead to resentment and eventually a family feud.

Studies have indicated that more than half of married couples have problems with their in-laws that are never solved. They harbor ill will toward each other and often have disagreements quite often. The son or daughter is usually dragged into it, being forced to choose between spouse and parent. This type of family fight can be the worst of all because it is totally preventable.

It is usually the in-law that causes the family disputes because, on a subconscious level, they do not want to let go of their child. The feud can last a long time and cause great hardship. Avoiding Family Feuds There are instances where a family battle is unavoidable. But, for the most part, exercising a little self-control and discipline can avoid any type of confrontation. You are responsible for your own actions. You cannot please everyone.

It is pointless to even try. People will disagree with you and sometimes criticize things that you say and do. It is up to you to bite your tongue and be the bigger person. If you do not give in and show a reaction, soon, they will stop trying to get one. In the end you will end up gaining the respect of people you thought you could not get respect from.

Family feuds are unhealthy for a number of reasons. When you resolve any problems that you may have, you will feel better, less stressed and even sleep better. If you have the type of family that cannot be together without fighting, it is wise to limit family get togethers to the holidays. Summary: Family feuds are hard on everyone. Life is too short to spend your time hating your family.

Everyone has a different opinion and in a strong, independent atmosphere, those opinions should be respected. If you have children, then set a good example for them and teach them how to respect others by the actions you take.

Brooke Hayles
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