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Meet Keiko Agena

Birthday - October 3

Keiko (pronounced Kay-ko) Agena stars in "Gilmore Girls" as Rory's (Alexis Bledel) brainy and somewhat eccentric best friend, Lane Kim. For her performance in "Gilmore Girls," Agena recently garnered the Ammy Award for Best Female Actor in a Television Production. The Ammy Awards honor Asians and Asian-American achievement in film and television.

Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, Agena began her acting career in the theatre there and continued at the performing arts school now known as Mid-Pacific School of the Arts. As a student, she was one of only four actors nationwide chosen as a Presidential Scholar in the Arts and was able to meet President Bush.

Offscreen, she was a member of the Meisner-based ITC ensemble, the TPA ensemble and "hereandnow," an Asian-American acting company that tours all over the country with a show comprised entirely of original pieces.

She continues to study improv with former "hereandnow" member Jason Fong.

When not working on her career, Agena relishes her newfound love of drumming, which she began for her role on "Gilmore Girls." She also enjoys renovating her home, practicing yoga and riding her motorcycle. She spends a great deal of time eating with friends, and addictively plays the card game "Pounce" and the computer came "Civilizations."

She currently resides in Los Angeles, California with her two cats, Seth and Ben.

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